What to Wear in your Dating Profile Pictures

What to Wear in your Dating Profile Pictures

When you book yourself in for a dating photoshoot, one of the biggest concerns is what to wear in your dating profile pictures. Everyone is unique and the easiest way to meet your match online is to show as much of your authentic self as you feel comfortable. For some people, it’s just a matter of going through their wardrobe, finding their ‘hot’ first date outfit, one of their favourite weekend outfits and perhaps their yoga gear.

But for others, the challenge of what clothes to bring on their shoot is a lot harder. Clothes haven’t played as big a role as normal in 2021.

I chatted to Sunna, the lovely founder of London Fashion Insider, a personal styling consultancy, for her tips on how to decide what to wear in your dating profile pictures.

Hey Sunna, tell us a bit about why you set up London Fashion Insider and what it is exactly you do. 

I’ve worked in the fashion industry for over 15 years, but when I started I jumped in completely at the deep end! I opened my own boutique ‘Yates Buchanan’, in Notting Hill. I had no experience in the industry, apart from wearing the clothes as a model and actress. My passion for style and helping people to look their best gave me the courage to go for it.

I was bullied at school for being square. I was a classic ugly duckling, all braces, frizzy hair and national health glasses. But then I discovered fashion and style. My confidence grew and I loved nothing more than finding gems in charity shops and the cheaper high street stores. I got asked to help friends and relatives too. I even styled my A level History of Art teacher and take full credit for the fact that he is married now 🙂

As I had no experience in fashion retail, I did things instinctively and differently. My boutique became a home from home for a range of customers from celebrities to busy mums to high flying career women.

I later worked as a fashion buyer and manager for Simon Burstein of ‘Browns’. After three years there, I had a long think about what aspect of fashion I enjoyed the most. For me, the reward of working face to face with a client, getting to know them and helping them to develop their own style was what I loved. Thus, London Fashion Insider was born.

I offer a range of packages for my clients. The most popular are wardrobe consultations, personal shopping sessions and online styling advice.

We only have one life and my clients want to make the most of themselves. My typical clients might be in a style rut or their body shape may have changed. Perhaps they have got a new job or are going through a break up. I work with both men and women and have styled clients from 11 – 89 years old! By choosing to do what I love, my job has never felt like work…

Our dating photoshoots aim to create a collection of photos that deliver a visually compelling, authentic ‘brand’ story for each of our clients. How would you recommend our clients plan their top 3 outfits?

Most people are drawn towards colours that suit them and I would say that is the most important thing. The right colour can light you up, make your skin glow, your teeth look white and your eyes pop. The wrong colour can completely drain you. It will accentuate the shadows under your eyes, bring out red, sallow or ashy tones in your skin and make your eyes look dull.

During model shoots a gold or silver reflector is often used to light up the skin and wearing the right colour can do the same.

Clothes give big clues as to your personality and this is your chance to visually say a little bit about who you are. Are you extrovert, introvert, fashion conscious, nerdy, outdoorsy, flamboyant, safe, creative, formal, casual? We read all these things subliminally from the clothes people wear. I would recommend that at least one of your pictures should show how you might dress on a first date and I would try and express a different aspect of your personality with each outfit.

Psychologists say that we make judgments about people within a tenth of a second, so this will give you a better chance at success.

As our clients are on the move during a shoot. In addition, most of our photos are from the waist up.  Do you have any recommendations for a capsule wardrobe they could bring to help with this?

Absolutely. I would  recommend bringing a couple of go-to tops that you know suit you. If you get the chance I would also recommend buying one new item. It’s always a boost to our confidence to wear something new.

Choose a neckline that suits you. For example, a polo neck can show off a defined jawline, a v neck can show off a curvy figure, an upturned collar can frame the face etc.

Also don’t forget accessories. These really show personality and style in your dating profile pictures. It could be a hat, scarf, tie, watch, laptop bag, a pair of glasses, a necklace or a favourite pair of earrings.

A couple of tops, shirts or dresses will suffice as your base garments. They can be layered with a blazer, leather jacket, scarf etc. You can dress them up with a pocket scarf, jewellery etc. for a smarter more glamorous look.

If you are someone who never wears a tie, likes your shirt unbuttoned and only wears t-shirts, don’t wear one now.

Are there any looks that should be avoided on camera? i.e. they’re too unflattering. 

Yes. there are a couple of things to avoid.

1/ wearing the wrong colour.

2/ wearing an item where the proportions are wrong for your features, i.e. a garment with too wide or too narrow shoulders, too high or low a neckline, a print that overwhelms you rather than showing you off,

3/ wearing something to try and be something you’re not. Never compete. Be your own unique yourself, but a slightly elevated version of you. Your best self.

On dating apps, you only have a short window of time to attract people, so you need to stop someone in their tracks.

Finally any tips for looks that come across as amazing on camera?

Yes definitely.  Make sure you have a twinkle in your eye and a natural smile. Engage with the photographer and your environment or a prop. Be open and inviting. Wear colours that light you up. Finally, choose something that makes you feel great when you wear it.

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Online Dating Photographers
Online Dating Photographers
Online Dating Photographers
dating app profile
It SUCKS but… We live in a world that thrives off making us feel inadequate, not quite good enough being just who we are. Existing as your authentic self, can be hard work and you kinda have to invest time, energy and resources into it… plus it’s not linear. It’s not your fault though, capitalism has designed it this way, so they can sell us more stuff to make us feel better about ourselves. But how about we challenge ourselves to imagine how we would feel if we woke up and understood exactly how amazing we are. Just the way we are right now. Now, as an experiment, take that feeling, embody it and head to your dating photo shoot with it and then head out on dates feeling it and notice how much more fun you have and how many more people want to be in your orbit. #profilepictures #datingprofile #datingtipsformen #datingtips #profilepic #tinderpics #datingapps #heysaturday #reelsinstagram #selflove #tinderpicsfordays #selfworth
Obsessed 💥💥 We LOVE it when clients show up with favourite belongings that help us visually tell their story and showcase their passions and interests. It makes the photos so much more compelling, authentic and powerful. Not gonna lie, we’ve had some challenges tho, over the years. I think it was Polly who had a fabulous client who brought lots of incredible things with her including a stuffed parrot 🦜🦜 If you’re reading this Polly, what ever happened to that parrot? I think you managed to persuade her it might not be the best look for a dating profile 🫣😬 #profilepictures #datingprofile #datingtipsformen #datingtips #profilepic #tinderpics #datingapps #heysaturday #reelsinstagram #tinderpicsfordays
Don’t panic, we got you. We’ve been goofing off with our clients for over 11 years now, capturing so many beautiful, unique people doing their thing. People who have been bold enough to go for it and show us who they are. We are so in awe of you all ✨ If you’re going to get some profile pics taken, you may as well bring it!! 💪🏽 *Also boycott Starbucks & Free Palestine (this footage at the start is from the archives 😏) #profilepictures #datingprofile #datingtipsformen #datingtips #tinderpics #profilepic #datingapps #tinderpic #heysaturday #reelsinstagram
If you start getting too serious too quickly, on the apps, your heart might try to get in on the act and that way lies madness. Embrace dating as just another way to connect with others socially, no expectations other than maybe having a bit of a laugh. And just see where it takes you. Expectation is the death of fun on the apps. #profilepictures #datingprofile #datingtipsformen #datingtips #profilepic #tinderpics #datingapps #tinderpicsfordays #heysaturday
* We’re back * For dating photos that melt hearts (and burn loins 😉), you’re in the right place. Keep it locked on, cos we’re back. Ps shout out to all the incredible Hey Saturday photographers. Your work is ❤️‍🔥 Pps shout out to Amber who gave me the kick up the butt I needed to get back on it and start sharing the 100s and 100s of gorgeous dating profile pics taking up space in my camera roll. Love you, girl 😘 #reelsinstagram #reelaction #datingapps #datingtips #datingtipsformen #datingprofile #profilepictures #profilepic #tinderpics
👑Originality is King 👑 The more original your dating profile and pics, the more success you’ll have on the apps. Research backs this up. But how do you create dating photos that capture your unique, special voice and vibe? Start with this simple, but powerful, question: How do I stand out from other people? Write it all down - passions, interests, inspirations, values, vibe. All of it. And use that as your framework to create your profile pics. Think about how you can visually capture your story in your photos using props, clothes, body language, locations, vibe and attitude. It’s challenging to do this, but have fun with it. It’ll show in your pics. You have been watching Hey Saturday, the OG Dating Photographers. All photos taken by Hey Saturday photographers #singleandhappy #modernlove #mindset #loveyourself #datingwithapurpose #datingadvice #datinglife #profilepictures #profilepic #profilepics #profilephoto #onlinedating #datingphototips #happylife #happysingle #relationshipgoals #personalbrandingtips #datingapp #datingapps #datingadviceformen #datingadviceforwomen #profilephotography #visualstorytelling #onlinedatingphotographer #datingphotos #explore #explorepages
Is it time for an originality check on your dating app profile? Recent research has backed up what dating experts having been saying for years, people respond particularly well to the use of originality in dating profiles. Higher originality in your dating profile is associated with the following: + increased belief in physical attraction + greater intelligence + higher romantic intention (ie how likely would you be to date this person?) + higher humour perception + lower perceptions of oddness/peculiarity Brilliant news then! They found nothing negative associated with adopting originality in your profile. Therefore we can all benefit from an originality check 🙌🏽 Check out my recent blog post with some ideas on how to review your own profile through the lens of originality. It’s kind of obvious when you think about it - that the more you reveal some real truths about yourself the easier it will be to connect with your kind of people - but it’s still something people haven’t mastered, tending to rely on well worn cliches and lots of generalisations in order to fit in. I’ll say that again - the more you reveal about your authentic self, the easier it’ll be to connect with your vibe of people 🙌🏽 Dating apps are not the place to fit it. You have been watching Hey Saturday, the OG Dating Photographers. All photos taken by Hey Saturday photographers #singleandhappy #modernlove #mindset #loveyourself #datingwithapurpose #datingadvice #datinglife #profilepictures #profilepic #profilepics #profilephoto #onlinedating #datingphototips #happylife #happysingle #relationshipgoals #personalbrandingtips #datingapp #datingapps #datingadviceformen #datingadviceforwomen #profilephotography #visualstorytelling #onlinedatingphotographer #datingphotos #explore #explorepages
Whoop whoop, it’s Megan in the house, shooting in the cool neighbourhood of The Custard Factory in Birmingham. J’adoring these shots, full of personality and good times. Photo credit: Megan for Hey Saturday, Birmingham. You have been watching Hey Saturday, the OG Dating Photographers. #datingapps #datingtips #explorepage #profilephoto #profilepic #datingadvice #singlelifestyle #explorereels #singlemomlife #datingcoach #datingadvice #datingphoto #datingphotography #datingphotographerlondon #onlinedatingphotographer #newprofilepic #selflove #profilepictures #soulmate #birminghamphotographer #portaitphotography #personalbranding #personaldatingbrand #goodtimes #datingmindset #mindsetmatters
I hope I never have to hear the words ‘fatfishing’ ever again … yuck … but while we’re here, this is a useful and timely reminder to check that the set of photos you have on your dating app profile are up-to-date and pretty much representative of who you are today. Research has shown that if you use photos that misrepresent you in any way, your date will feel deceived. Eek. And since going on dates is a key way to find out how trustworthy someone is, you’ll have blown it before they’ve even sat down and got a drink in their hand. I’m not just talking about weight here, of course. We’re all changing all the time, inside and out and the more your profile pics can capture the latest iteration of you, the better it’ll be. As the woman says in the article, it isn’t so much their size that’s the issue, she’s into dad bods apparently, it’s to do with the deceit. You don’t want to build something with someone who’s ok to start a romantic connection based on that. What do you think? Have you experienced any form of this? You have been watching Hey Saturday, the OG Dating Photographers. #singleandhappy #modernlove #mindset #loveyourself #datingwithapurpose #datingadvice #datinglife #profilepictures #profilepic #profilepics #profilephoto #onlinedating #datingphototips #happylife #happysingle #relationshipgoals #personalbrandingtips #datingapp #datingapps #datingadviceformen #datingadviceforwomen #profilephotography #visualstorytelling #onlinedatingphotographer #datingphotos #explore #explorepages
My favourite dating photo tip Hold something 💛 When we’re in front of a camera lens, many of us feel self-conscious and often our first thought is ‘But what should I do with my hands?’ Holding something in your hand is a great way to relax your body and focus on looking and feeling good instead. Even better, is when you hold something you love 💛💛 When you hold something you love like a plant, your camera, your dog or guitar you feel instantly good, as your focus shifts from the shoot to something that brings you joy. It has the added benefit of telling people more about who you are, your personality interests and passions🍦 You have been watching Hey Saturday, the OG Dating Photographers. All photos taken by Hey Saturday photographers #singleandhappy #modernlove #mindset #loveyourself #datingwithapurpose #datingadvice #datinglife #profilepictures #profilepic #profilepics #profilephoto #onlinedating #datingphototips #happylife #happysingle #relationshipgoals #personalbrandingtips #datingapp #datingapps #datingadviceformen #datingadviceforwomen #profilephotography #visualstorytelling #onlinedatingphotographer #datingphotos #explore #explorepages
Hey Saturday - because you’re worth it. So much love for these gorgeous shots taken by Livia in one of our newest locations - Salford Quays. We’re loving this Manchester location as it tends to be pretty quiet, it’s by the water and there’s still lots of colour to add vibrancy and depth to the images. J’adore! Photo credit: Livia for Hey Saturday, Manchester You have been watching Hey Saturday, the OG Dating Photographers. #singleandhappy #modernlove #mindset #loveyourself #datingwithapurpose #datingadvice #datinglife #profilepictures #profilepic #profilepics #profilephoto #onlinedating #datingphototips #happylife #happysingle #relationshipgoals #personalbrandingtips #datingapp #datingapps #datingadviceformen #datingadviceforwomen #profilephotography #visualstorytelling #onlinedatingphotographer #datingphotos #explore #explorepages
Great profile pics attract attention. Authentic ones keep it 🔥 The biggest reason people don’t get second dates, according to Match, is because they look nothing like their profile pics. And yeah, no you aren’t going to be able to win them over on the date with your sparkling personality sadly … because, before they’ve even sat down, they feel deceived by you. And that ain’t a good look on a date. People want relationships with trustworthy people. Don’t blow it. Keep it real. You have been watching Hey Saturday, the OG Dating Photographers. #singleandhappy #modernlove #mindset #loveyourself #datingwithapurpose #datingadvice #datinglife #profilepictures #profilepic #profilepics #profilephoto #onlinedating #datingphototips #happylife #happysingle #relationshipgoals #personalbrandingtips #datingapp #datingapps #datingadviceformen #datingadviceforwomen #profilephotography #visualstorytelling #onlinedatingphotographer #datingphotos #explore #explorepages
There’s actual magic in relaxing and goofing off with your Hey Saturday photographer ✨ When people look at the photos captured by the photographer during these moments, they feel your joy, warmth and approachability. And they’ll more often than not want to connect. You have been watching Hey Saturday, the OG Dating Photographers. All photos taken by Hey Saturday photographers #singleandhappy #modernlove #mindset #loveyourself #datingwithapurpose #datingadvice #datinglife #profilepictures #profilepic #profilepics #profilephoto #onlinedating #datingphototips #happylife #happysingle #relationshipgoals #personalbrandingtips #datingapp #datingapps #datingadviceformen #datingadviceforwomen #profilephotography #visualstorytelling #onlinedatingphotographer #datingphotos #explore #explorepages
AI generated dating photos? What do you think? I mean what the f-ck? Don’t get me wrong, I’m fascinated by what’s occurring in the AI creativity space at the moment. AI generated paintings, photographs, songwriting etc. I’m fascinated yeah and kind of a little horrified at the same time, I think. So yeah, for $19 you can head to Photo AI, upload some photos of yourself and they’ll generate a set of dating profile pics. Hurrah, sounds like a bargain. Buuuut … when it comes to dating, well that’s something else entirely. Dating is deeply rooted in the human experience, right. So, IMO, I believe you need that connection between photographer and dater, that beautifully unique human-to-human contact… if you want to create gorgeously authentic profile pics. The word that comes to mind for me when looking at the profile pics in this article is creepy. Creepy AF. But that’s just me. I know I’m likely to biased but…it’ll always be a ‘hell no’ from me. What do you think? You have been watching Hey Saturday, the happiest dating photo shoots. #singleandhappy #modernlove #mindset #loveyourself #datingwithapurpose #datingadvice #datinglife #profilepictures #profilepic #profilepics #profilephoto #onlinedating #datingphototips #happylife #happysingle #relationshipgoals #personalbrandingtips #datingapp #datingapps #datingadviceformen #datingadviceforwomen #profilephotography #visualstorytelling #onlinedatingphotographer #datingphotos #explore #explorepages
Ooh yes, love it when our clients show up willing to share their personal brand magic in front of the lens. They understand what makes them unique, they feel good about themselves and they’re up for experimenting and giving things a go in front of the camera. What a combo ✨ Big kudos to Alison for creating this awesome set on the streets of Williamsburg, absolute genius. Photo credit: Alison for Hey Saturday, New York City You have been watching Hey Saturday: the happiest dating photoshoots on the planet #singleandhappy #modernlove #mindset #loveyourself #datingwithapurpose #datingadvice #datinglife #profilepictures #profilepic #profilepics #profilephoto #onlinedating #datingphototips #happylife #happysingle #relationshipgoals #personalbrandingtips #datingapp #datingapps #datingadviceformen #datingadviceforwomen #profilephotography #visualstorytelling #onlinedatingphotographer #datingphotos #explore #explorepages
Wanna transform your dating life in 30 days? Um… yeah that reel went so much better in my head 😂 Can you tell I’ve had a month off from the ‘gram!? Jeez. Anyways ~ I’ve just shared a blogpost ‘30 Day Challenge Ideas that will Transform your Dating Life’. 30 day challenges can be life-changing …. but really adopting a dating challenge is about allowing yourself to become more playful and experimental with your dating life. The goal here isn’t to find your soulmate. It’s about + throwing yourself into the middle of life + chucking out your rule book + rewriting your dating story + discarding those awful checklists + taking risks + getting ghosted + challenging your expectations + accepting the sting of rejection + showing up as your wonderfully weird self + feeling cherished + getting butterflies Yeah there was no way my menopausal brain was going to remember all that for the reel, so no wonder I went off topic. But I digress… So yes, basically they help you throw yourself into the glorious, messy joy that is life. When it’s couched as a challenge though, you’ll find it’a much easier to accept whatever life throws at you, because it’s ‘just an experiment’. If you’re intrigued, there’s a link to the blog in our link-tree, go check it out and let us know how you get on 🔥🔥 You have been watching Hey Saturday, the happiest dating photo shoots. Any photos seen are taken by Hey Saturday photographers #singleandhappy #modernlove #mindset #loveyourself #datingwithapurpose #datingadvice #datinglife #profilepictures #profilepic #profilepics #profilephoto #onlinedating #datingphototips #happylife #happysingle #relationshipgoals #personalbrandingtips #datingapp #datingapps #datingadviceformen #datingadviceforwomen #profilephotography #visualstorytelling #onlinedatingphotographer #datingphotos #explore #explorepaģes
2022 - you’ve been a trip I’ve said goodbye to both my beloved in-laws ❤️ And a different kind of goodbye to my therapist, after 5 years of working together…although the inner and outer transformation will go on, Richard, I promise. But, alongside the awesomeness of Hey Saturday, it’s also been a wild ride through lots of new and old favourite places from Paris to Los Angeles and it’s provided so many moments of mischievous joy with friends and family, but most of all with my favourite person on the planet who, as of a week ago, I’m lucky enough to call my hubby ❤️ 2023? Heck yeah, I’ll dance to that. #therapyiscool #growthmindset #adventuretime #traveltime #wanderlust #goodtimes #intentionalliving #explorereels #explore #adventures #mindsetmatters #intentionallife #travellife #therapyworks #traveltherapy #lifegoals #lifeisgood #everythingislove #everythingisenergy #everythingiscool #innerwork #innerwisdom #innertransformation #transformative #habloespañol #losangeleslife #parisianstyle
✨We are all gorgeous all the time always✨ Dating photoshoot fear? You got this… You have been watching Hey Saturday, the happiest dating photo shoots. #singleandhappy #modernlove #mindset #loveyourself #datingwithapurpose #datingadvice #datinglife #profilepictures #profilepic #profilepics #profilephoto #onlinedating #datingphototips #happylife #happysingle #relationshipgoals #personalbrandingtips #datingapp #datingapps #datingadviceformen #datingadviceforwomen #profilephotography #visualstorytelling #onlinedatingphotographer #datingphotos #explore #explorepages
You get a couple of seconds to make an impression, so make those seconds count. Our fave dating photos are ones that are compelling, colourful, creative, story-telling, authentic, vibrant and, of course, ones that make you smile. Great set from Alison in downtown Manhattan, NYC. Photo credit: Alison for Hey Saturday, NYC #singleandhappy #modernlove #mindset #loveyourself #datingwithapurpose #datingadvice #datinglife #profilepictures #profilepic #profilepics #profilephoto #onlinedating #datingphototips #happylife #happysingle #relationshipgoals #personalbrandingtips #datingapp #datingapps #datingadviceformen #datingadviceforwomen #profilephotography #visualstorytelling #onlinedatingphotographer #datingphotos #explore #explorepages
What are you into? Have fun with your profile pics and use them to visually show people the stuff you love doing and the kind of places you love going. They’ll go down a treat on a dating app near you. Creating your dating app pics could be a whole adventure not a chore… You have been watching Hey Saturday, the happiest dating photo shoots. All photos taken by Hey Saturday photographers, UK & US. #singleandhappy #modernlove #mindset #loveyourself #datingwithapurpose #datingadvice #datinglife #profilepictures #profilepic #profilepics #profilephoto #onlinedating #datingphototips #happylife #happysingle #relationshipgoals #personalbrandingtips #datingapp #datingapps #datingadviceformen #datingadviceforwomen #profilephotography #visualstorytelling #onlinedatingphotographer #datingphotos #explore #explorepages