We prioritise giving our clients a great experience and making them feel relaxed, how do you do that?
Awwww shucks, I’m flattered that nerdy finance stuff can relax people
What do you love about working for Hey Saturday?
To have been part of this amazing journey from the start has been incredible. And to see the plans for growth is sooooooo exciting!
Who would be your dream client and why?
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bad photograph of either of my style icons. I’d love to have a chance to change...err...continue that!
What's your top dating tip?
Pay attention to what your date is talking about and leave behind whatever clutter you have in your life. Be present.
Currently obsessed with:
- New music. So much good stuff about.
- NYC. I ❤️ It.
- Kreuzberg.
- Asbury Park music scene
Playing on repeat on my iPod:
The Bronx, Hands Off Gretel, Stiff Little Fingers, Svetlanas, Killing Joke, Ruts DC, Bouncing Souls, The Clash, Bad Religion, BLXPLTN
At my happiest when:
- Travelling
- Gigging with my fave bands
- Gigging with new bands and supporting them to get the recognition they deserve
Fave style icon:
The effortlessly cool Titus Honor, Kim Gordon and Paul Simonon.
Most into wearing:
Leather, denim & the band of the mo tee. Adidas. Oh, and I ❤️ Brixton clothing.
Guilty pleasure(s):
Band tees. It’s getting outta hand
Saturday nights are for:
Fighting. Ermmm...dating
And while Giles is no photographer, check out some of the photos he's taken of Saskia. He ain't half bad.